WIC Makes a Healthy Difference - Children

WIC provides access to healthy food, breastfeeding support and encouragement for moms-to-be, new moms and families with young children, every step of the way. 

These foods are rich in protein, iron, calcium, fiber and vitamins. Participants exchange WIC food instruments (which list specific foods and quantities) and cash-value vouchers (for fruits and vegetables) at authorized retail grocery stores and pharmacies.

In some cases, special formulas are distributed directly to the participant from the WIC local agency.

Who is WIC for? WIC is available to pregnant, breast feeding and postpartum women, infants and children up to age five. To participate, these persons must:

  • Live in North Carolina.
  • Have a family income less than 185% of the U.S. Poverty Income Guidelines. Click here to view Income guidelines. A person receiving Medicaid, Work First Families Assistance (TANF), or assistance from the NC Food and Nutrition Services automatically meets the income eligibility requirement.
  • Be at nutritional risk.

For more information: Harnett County Health Department--WIC Office 910-893-7570 or click on the link for the WIC Signup Request Form.